A Project of Climate Creatives

Quarantine Quilts is part of Climate Creatives, founded by Susan Israel to engage people on climate issues using art. Susan started this project to connect people through sharing art and micro collaborations during the Covid19 epidemic: a virtual community quilt. In addition to images, we want a short quote about why you chose these images and who you are. The project is launching with United Nations World Oceans Day 2020 partners and will grow from there. We are starting with a few categories, but feel free to submit something outside our boundaries. We are delighted that you are here, and excited to see what will happen!

You can participate in 2 ways: Upload your own art or do a group project.

As an individual, or as a group, choose 9 square images, write a brief quote and send them to them. The images can be photographs, artwork, or even memes or written word. Fill out the contact form: include your quote in the description. We will send you a link to where you can upload your images. We will take it from there!


If you are using this a s a classroom project, give your students a prompt that relates to topics you are working with. Please make sure they credit the creators of the images in small type on the image if it isn’t their own work. Each team should fill out one contact form: include their quote in the description. We will send them a link to where they can upload your images.. We will take it from there! Contact us if you have additional commentary or content you wish to add, or questions.

Citizen Science images:

We have heard that a side benefit of the quarantines is that air and water is cleaner. Can you find an example of this in your neighborhood or an image from online?